๐Ÿš€OPEN EOI - Closes 7th July 2024 ๐Ÿš€

Calling all Kindy, Prep, Foundation, Reception, and Preโ€‘primary Teachers,*

We invite you to

Co-design a platform that helps all 4-5 year olds thrive

A new way to grow a trusted and collaborative connection between home and school

๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ Co-designed with 100+ Teachers and 6000+ Children

*For Teachers delivering the first formal year of learning in each state, e.g. the Foundation Year in the Australian Curriculum.

Three graphical figures overlaid with leaves.

๐Ÿš€OPEN EOI - Closes 1st May 2024 ๐Ÿš€

Calling all Kindy, Prep, Foundation, Reception, and Preโ€‘primary Teachers,

We invite you to

Co-design a platform that helps all 4-5 year olds thrive

A new way to grow a trusted and collaborative connection between home and school

๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ Co-designed with 100+ Teachers and 6000+ Children

๐Ÿš€ What is it?

  • In Term 3, 2024, we will partner with 2 schools per state as part of the 'Humanacy' platform co-design process.

  • The Humanacy project is funded by a federal Department of Social Services (DSS) ILC Major Grant to support 'human' skills growth in young children and their caregivers.

  • The Humanacy platform seeks to support the Human Connection between home and school to help 4-5 year olds thrive and be ready to learn.

  • Bring your expert ideas and classroom experience to contribute to the creation of something truly effective from the ground up!


๐Ÿš€ Are you a Foundation Year teacher who:

  • Wants to better engage with parents and caregivers.

  • Wants to instil a culture of trust and collaboration between home and school.
  • Is seeking ways to build intrinsic confidence and readiness-to-learn in your students, to set them up for their entire education journey.

  • Is passionate about education as a social equaliser and wants to see every child thrive.

  • Is interested in the potential of technology to inspire child-caregiver shared learning at home.

โœ๏ธ Experiences motivating our previous Co-design Partners:

"As a kindy teacher I spend a large part of my day managing emotional dysregulation in my class, sometimes the need is so overwhelming that I cannot deliver my day's lesson plans. I don't ever blame my students, but would really love a way to help the situation."

"I believe that since we came back to school after many lockdowns, many students have been challenged by working together and learning to fit in with others. We have had to almost start again and constantly remind students to work as a team, to listen and to be kind."

"We have a diverse community. We find that many of our students struggle with self regulation, this is an area of need for many students. Home stressors impact some children more than others, and this exacerbates the struggle. "

"As a school we are looking at whole-school and whole-community approaches that we can embed to create zen and calmness in our classroom, and having this reinforced at home."

๐Ÿš€ What is the aim of the Partnership?

  • To build a relationship where you help us understand the social-emotional and access needs of your foundation year children and families.

  • To work over Term 3 (2024) to evolve our research-informed six-week engagement program that is tested in your foundation group.

  • To use your valuable feedback to quickly adapt the program to meet classroom needs during the testing period.

  • To incorporate your feedback and ideas into shaping the first version of the Humanacy digital platform.

๐Ÿš€ An overview of the six-week engagement program

  • We are developing interactive puppets called the Wonderchums that tell engaging, multi-media stories that loop from the classroom-to-home and back again.

  • Each 'loop' focuses on a 'human skill' learning outcome linked to the ACARA general capabilities and foundational to becoming a strong learner.

  • One loop is delivered per week. We supply full lesson resources for you, with adjustments included.

  • Interactive animation, music and paper elements reinforce the loop connecting home and school.

  • Caregiver content is seamlessly and inclusively delivered in sync with the child's learning.


๐Ÿš€ What is the commitment required?

School Leadership:

  • Identify a passionate foundation year teacher to participate.

Kindy/Prep/Pre-primary Teacher:

  • Note: It is important to have Leadership buy-in to participate in this partnership.

  • 1X  Welcome call (video conference, 30mins) to meet all Teacher participants and receive instructions on how to deliver the program to your students.

  • 1X  One-on-one Need-finding Interview (video conference, 30mins) to identify the needs of your foundation year class and School Plan Goals. We will also need to know the languages other than English that your students speak at home, and where possible aim to accommodate them.

  • 2-hours of Professional Learning (interactive videos at your pace) aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (delivered through a secure platform). You may wish to include other time assigned to this project in your Elective PD.

  • 2X  10-min loop lessons delivered in class each week for 6 weeks. We supply all resources and support documentation. 

  • 1X  10-min check-in call with us after the loop closes each week (e.g. on a Thursday or Friday after school) so we can evolve and make improvements to the loops as we move through the program. Email, SMS, Phone, or Surveys are also possible as preferred. We ask you that you are willing to give candid feedback when you are confused or struggling, about what is not working, and what you'd wish to see instead.

  • 1X  Close-of-program one-on-one video conference call (30-mins) to summarise your insights and advice to us.

  • A closing online survey (10 mins) - quantitative.

  • Optional: Closing Celebration Zoom (30mins) to meet online with all participating Co-design Teachers and share your 1. Wins and 2. Insights.

  • Optional: You will have the chance to share ideas and insights in an ongoing manner with all participating Co-design Teachers in our professional learning discussion space.

And, we have a gratitude pack for YOU from us at Humanacy.

  • We are delighted to send you our 'Dash and the Inclusion Superpower' hardcover storybook.
  • A Wonderchums lanyard and character card.
  • A mini plushie of Onesie the Wonderchum.
  • Four strengths postcards.
  • Plus one bonus Dash book for you to gift to another Teacher friend, postage on us.
  • And a mountain of kudos and gratitude to YOU from us! ๐Ÿ˜
Gift pack with four children's books, one plushie, a lanyard, and four postcards.

๐Ÿš€ What will each Teacher and School get out of this experience?

  • A chance to contribute to shaping an innovative platform that could positively influence the education and lives of Australia's diverse children.

  • The opportunity to be the voice for Australia's 4-5 year olds in Low ICSEA contexts.

  • A structured, easy-to-deliver and playful program to bring delight and connection to your Kindy students, right when they need it most.

  • The chance to deepen the engagement with families in your school community.

  • Professional Learning that covers inclusion, physiology, attachment, connection, and relational engagement drawn from academic research.

  • With some luck, together we will discover and refine a new way to enhance the home-to-school connection and help your 4-5 year olds thrive, now and into the future! ๐ŸŽ‰

Submit your Expression of Interest here

  • Complete a 3-minute Expression of Interest (EOI) to indicate to us why you would like to be considered for the Term 3, 2024, Co-design group. We are working with 2 schools per state and territory in Australia.
  • Submit any questions or clarifications you have.
  • Shortlisted schools will be asked to choose a 15-minute time slot from our Calendar for a zoom Meet-And-Greet.
  • We will look forward to meeting you online and will be delighted to show you more of the six-week program and the Humanacy platform, as well as answer any further questions.

๐Ÿš€ Important dates:

  • EOIs close midnight Sunday 7th July, 2024 (your local time).
  • Shortlisting has commenced and will be ongoing until the 10th of July, after which all schools will be contacted with an update.
  • We encourage you to submit your EOI early as conversations are underway. 

Have a question?

Alternatively, submit a question here and help us compile the FAQs

